Haunted chicken kiev

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The Haunted Chicken Kiev is a Halloween-themed TF2 item that was introduced in the Scream Fortress 2013 update. It is a cosmetic item for the Pyro that turns their flamethrower into a haunted chicken-shaped flamethrower. The item was created by artist Nathan Stellengberg.

The Haunted Chicken Kiev has been generally well-received by the TF2 community. Many players appreciate the item's creative design and its humorous take on the Pyro's flamethrower. Some have even called it one of the best Halloween-themed TF2 items ever released.

However, not everyone is a fan of the Haunted Chicken Kiev. Some players find the item's design to be too silly or cartoony, and prefer more serious or realistic Halloween items. Others simply don't like the idea of using a chicken-shaped flamethrower.

Regardless of your opinion on the Haunted Chicken Kiev, there's no denying that it's a unique and memorable TF2 item. If you're looking for something different this Halloween, the Haunted Chicken Kiev is definitely worth checking out.

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