Tour of Duty Ticket

    270 Points


Looking for a way to get more items in TF2 without spending a lot of money? The Tour of Duty Ticket is just what you need! This item allows you to play in special Tour of Duty events, which can award you with lots of great items.


The Tour of Duty Ticket is a great value for anyone looking to get more items in TF2. The events are a lot of fun and can award you with some great items. I would definitely recommend this item to anyone looking to get more items in TF2.


In order to earn a Tour of Duty Ticket, players must first complete a Mann Up match. Once a player has completed a Mann Up match, they will be rewarded with a ticket. These tickets can then be used to queue up for any future Random Mann vs. Machine match. The number of tickets a player has is displayed on the main menu, and tickets can also be viewed in the player's backpack.


One thing to keep in mind is that Tour of Duty Tickets is single-use items. This means that once a player has used a ticket, it will be removed from their inventory. Tickets can not be traded or sold, so make sure to use them before they disappear!


Overall, Tour of Duty Tickets is a great way to jump into the random Mann vs. Machine matches. They provide a fair and fun challenge for players of all skill levels, and the rewards are definitely worth the effort. So what are you waiting for? Go out and get yourself a ticket!

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